Citizen or participatory journalism ensures that we now hear more voices and get to hear the views of ‘Joe Public’, that is those who are truly affected by what is happening in the news. This contrasts with a previous age where newspaper owners and large media organisations were the sole gatherers of news content and tailored it to promote their own beliefs and self-interests. People can now share their thoughts, their opinions and their real life experiences. However, participatory journalism is not as straight forward as it first seems.
In the last few years, User Generated Content has taken gigantic steps towards allowing this more conversational style and as a result a more democratised media. UGC is now a huge part of the media industry, and is clearly being embraced by most if not all traditional media sources to differing extents. The flood gates have obviously opened especially in terms of the internet and instead of being told the news, all and sundry can now play their part in shaping it. However, there are two aspects that concern me in this debate. The first is the forgotten voices of society, and secondly, how trustworthy and informed are UGC sites in terms of news.
It is thanks to advances in technology, to web 2.0 in particular that audience interaction has exploded, especially in terms of the internet. However, not everybody has access to the internet. Is it not just the voice of the more affluent and the computer literate that fill our web pages? Until there is universal access for people of all social classes and ages to have a means to express their views the media cannot claim to be completely conversational or fully reflective of a democratic state.
In terms of news content, I have some reservations about UGC. Blogs for instance have no or very few checks to ensure their accuracy let alone their impartiality. Ordinary people may be making the news but how accurate and reliable is it? In this respect how trustworthy can theses sites really be? Referring back to Rupert Murdoch's Speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors he makes the point that what ‘Joe Public’ wants is news on demand and a participatory element in the process of news gathering and broadcasting.
I know I run the risk of seeming to be a luddite, being adverse to the advances of technology but this is not the case. I believe there is a place for UGC to work alongside the traditional media sources. News sites such as the BBC have struck the right balance between allowing freedom for public conversational debate whilst at the same time through monitoring and checking the content being displayed by the 'prosumer' the reader can be assured that the facts are accurate.
To my mind User Generated Content adds colour and realism to the media. It is something which should be encouraged and nurtured in order to allow the media to become fully democratised.
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